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CSV is a universal JavaScript CSV parser designed specifically to be simple, fast, and spec compliant.

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Features RFC Compliant ECMAScript Module Typescript Compatible Imports

This package works isomorphically in browser and server-side JavaScript


Import directly from the local path or a CDN

import { parse } from 'path/to/csv/index.js'

The minified version can be imported from

import { parse } from 'path/to/csv/index.min.js' Node

Install the package

npm install @vanillaes/csv

Import using the module path

import { parse } from '@vanillaes/csv' Usage CSV.parse()

Takes a string of CSV data and converts it to a 2 dimensional array of [entries][values]


CSV.parse(csv, {options}, reviver(value, row, col)) : [entries][values]

csv - the CSV string to parse options typed - infer types (default false) reviver1 - a custom function to modify the output (default (value) => value)

1 Values for row and col are 1-based.

Example const csv = ` "header1,header2,header3" "aaa,bbb,ccc" "zzz,yyy,xxx" `; const parsed = parse(csv) console.log(parsed); > [ > [ "header1", "header2", "header3" ], > [ "aaa", "bbb", "ccc" ], > [ "zzz", "yyy", "xxx" ] > ] CSV.stringify()

Takes a 2 dimensional array of [entries][values] and converts them to CSV


CSV.stringify(array, {options}, replacer(value, row, col)) : string

array - the input array to stringify options eof - add a trailing newline at the end of file (default true) replacer1 - a custom function to modify the values (default (value) => value)

1 Values for row and col are 1-based.

Example const data = [ [ "header1", "header2", "header3" ], [ "aaa", "bbb", "ccc" ], [ "zzz", "yyy", "xxx" ] ]; const stringified = stringify(data) console.log(stringified); > "header1,header2,header3" > "aaa,bbb,ccc" > "zzz,yyy,xxx" Typescript

Typings are generated from JSDoc using Typescript. They are 100% compatible with VSCode Intellisense and will work seamlessly with Typescript.






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